Stepping up: making the transition from peer to manager

Congratulations: you’ve been promoted. Exciting, isn’t it? Maybe a bit daunting too, especially if you’ll now be managing people who used to be your peers – a common situation in publishing, as in other industries.

Having to adjust to being a manager while re-calibrating your relationships with former peers can be a tricky balancing act. You instinctively know that you need to establish your credibility and authority in your new role, but how to do that without acting like the promotion has gone to your head? It can be a fine line.

So here are some tips for making the transition as positive as possible for all concerned.

1.     Signal the transition

It probably won’t be your responsibility to make an announcement about your change of status, but do make sure that it happens. Ask your manager – or whoever usually sends our company announcements – to let colleagues know about the change, in advance and making your new role and reporting lines clear. This will help pave the way.

2.     Don’t try to do too much too soon

The temptation is for new managers to feel that they have to ‘do something’ straight away, but don’t rush. Take your time, observe, listen and learn from peers new and old. Showing that you’re taking stock and laying the groundwork is more powerful than taking immediate, knee-jerk action.

3.     Establish new team dynamics

Give your new team the chance to be part of the new regime too. Be clear about how the new relationships will work.  Meet with your team, as a group and individually, to talk about your vision, listen to their ideas and find out what and how they can contribute. Look for the right opportunity for an early (joint) success.

4.     Tackle disappointed competitors

You may find that you were in competition for your promotion with another colleague. Don’t let this fester. Acknowledge that this person will be disappointed and look to find new ways that you can work together as soon as possible.

5.     Distance yourself – without becoming unapproachable

This is perhaps the trickiest balancing act of all. There may well come a time when you will have to ask a former peer to do something they don’t want to do, or deal with a performance issue. You may have to settle for being friendly rather than best friends, or cut back on socialising together, at least until new relationships are established. At the same time, you need to remain professionally available and approachable at all times.

6.     Enable trust

Communicate, communicate, communicate. Be open and honest and ask for feedback – but do so from a position of confidence rather than vulnerability.

7.     Build a new support network

Stepping up is tough, and you’re going to need a network of new peers and mentors – both internal and external – to help you manage the transition. There will be times when you’ll feel lonely and unsure, so make sure you have a ‘safe haven’ where you can go when the going gets tough.

Finally, don’t forget that internal promotion also brings with it a significant in-built advantage: you already know the organisation and the people you’ll be working with, so use that as much as possible.

Good luck; you’re going to do great.


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